New animated logo of the European Cyber Security Month now online

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The Agency is launching the animation of the European Cyber Security Month (ECMS) logo.

This animated logo has been achieved by using the portraits sent by people who participated in the advertising campaign of ENISA, launched at the beginning of this summer, inviting them to become the ‘face’ of the ECSM. The animation underline the key features of the logo; the key symbolising security, the shape of a person in profile, and the human factor in the centre, among other characteristics

The reasoning behind this campaign is to visualise that cyber security ultimately is backed up by people, showing their determination and commitment to do their part. This short animation will be used together with other material to promote cyber security to citizens.

The objectives of the European Cyber Security Month, which is taking place in October, is to increase knowledge of Network and Information Security (NIS) issues, modify perceptions of threats, and provide updated security information through education, good practices and competitions.

Brief background:

The European Commission’s Digital Agenda for Europe, action point 32: “Strengthen the fight against cybercrime at international level” specifically identifies a European Cyber Security Month.


For more background on the European Cyber Security Month

For further ECSM material

For the ECSM Feasibility study (end 2011).